Sunday, January 30, 2011

How to access this site using a Mobile Phone.

Domestic violence can happen anywhere and anytime. So we wanted to make this site available on mobile phones. Please take a picture of the barcode below to access this site on a mobile phone. The barcode allows your mobile phone to access this site without tying our web address manually. First, make sure you mobile phone has a QR Code reader installed. There is a short list of links to software below.


  1. Make sure your phone has a QR reader software installed. See list at end of post.
  2. Using your phone's built-in camera, take a photo of our QR code.
  3. The QR code reader software on your phone will decode the barcode.
  4. This website will open on your phone's web browser automatically.


Watch video below for further instructions.

If your mobile phone does not have a built-in QR reader, there are many free readers available for each type of smartphone. For example: iPhone, Android, Palm, Blackberry, Windows Mobile and Symbian. Click icon below to review free QR reader software for your type of mobile phone.

Apple iPhone